
阪大の捏造は組織ぐるみ。10年くらい前、生体工学センター(現生命機能)の杉野教授が 捏造で懲戒免職になった。 告発したのは、当時の助手の川崎さん。最初川崎さんは、捏造の件を、内々で教授に「やめるよう」意見した。すると逆切れした杉野は、川崎さんに…

The Grey Man

The Grey Man The Grey Man by H. G. Wells This is the text present in Chapter 11 of H.G. Wells's The Time Machine as serialized in the New Review. It was cut from the book but later published on its own as a short story, "The Grey Man." Any…

Google Books

ブログ ニュース Download Over a Million Public Domain Books from Google Books in the Open EPUB Format Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at 11:05 AM Posted by Brandon Badger, Product Manager Over the years, we've heard a lot from people who've une…


If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answe…




Orson Welles From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia • Interested in contributing to Wikipedia? •Jump to: navigation, search Orson Welles Orson Welles in 1937 photograph by Carl Van Vechten. Born George Orson Welles May 6, 1915(1915-05-06) K…

Citizen Kane

Theatrical poster Directed by Orson Welles Produced by Orson Welles Written by Herman J. Mankiewicz Orson Welles Starring Orson Welles Joseph Cotten Dorothy Comingore Ruth Warrick Everett Sloane George Coulouris Ray Collins Agnes Moorehead…

『Devil Inside』 Everybody wants me to be their angel Everybody wants something they can cradle They don't know I burn They don't know I burn They don't know I burn[Chorus:] Maybe there's a devil (or something like it) inside Maybe there's…

By Jorge L. Ortiz, USA TODAY Los Angeles Dodgers pitching coach Rick Honeycutt sees a lot of Dennis Eckersley in Takashi Saito. The pinpoint control. The vicious slider. The successful conversion from starter to reliever. The crestfallen r…

【ヒューマン】菊川怜29歳、“東大”の呪縛も20代で卒業 ドラマで女医役に初挑戦している菊川怜=東京都渋谷区 女優、菊川怜(29)が20代最後の年を迎えた。東大2年時にスカウトされ、才色兼備の女優としてデビューしてから9年。ガムシャラに突っ走…

C.J. Nitkowski pitched for several major league teams from 1995-2005. He's playing in Japan this year and will file periodic updates for The Associated Press on his experience. His stories will be archived on his Web site, www.cjbaseball.com

By C.J. NITKOWSKIFor The Associated PressMIYAZAKI, Japan (AP) -After 12 spring trainings in major league baseball with seven different teams, I would have felt confident saying that I have seen all spring training could possibly have to of…


I already blogged Sergey Brin’s comments on the possibility of a Google office productivity suite. Here are some other quotes from his interview with John Battelle at Web 2.0.

Starting up: The number one success factor for Google was luck. We followed our hearts in terms of research areas and eventually we found we had something useful and we wanted to be impactful about it. We talked about open sourcing the cod…

The next generation of gaming is upon us, and the console wars have begun. NexGen Wars.com has spent countless hours researching sales facts from dozens of sources to track the worldwide sales of the consoles and monitor the next generation of console war

Blu-Ray Already Ripped on PS3 The troubles with Linux begin. by Hilary Goldstein December 1, 2006 - As soon as we installed Linux on our office PS3, it was clear that trouble would be brewing quickly. We began taking bets on how soon someo…

きつねのはなし作者: 森見登美彦出版社/メーカー: 新潮社発売日: 2006/10/28メディア: 単行本購入: 21人 クリック: 602回この商品を含むブログ (280件) を見る

アムステルダム (新潮文庫)作者: イアン・マキューアン,小山太一出版社/メーカー: 新潮社発売日: 2005/07/28メディア: 文庫購入: 4人 クリック: 50回この商品を含むブログ (59件) を見るこれを読んだのですが感想はなんといっていいかわかりません しょせん…

ウェブ人間論 (新潮新書)作者: 梅田望夫,平野啓一郎出版社/メーカー: 新潮社発売日: 2006/12/14メディア: 新書購入: 17人 クリック: 156回この商品を含むブログ (537件) を見るこれは絶対読まないといけないね

生命と現実 木村敏との対話作者: 木村敏,檜垣立哉出版社/メーカー: 河出書房新社発売日: 2006/10/19メディア: 単行本購入: 1人 クリック: 8回この商品を含むブログ (19件) を見るこれが出てることを知った 絶対読まなければなるまい

世界史未履修問題ですか またもやメディアがでたらめですな 私立大学の入試について何にもいいませんな 学力低下の問題も未履修問題も私立の1科目2科目入試が 最大の元凶なんですが絶対いわないからね つまり全く考えてないないということだ まあわかって…

ロリータ (新潮文庫)作者: ウラジーミルナボコフ,Vladimir Nabokov,若島正出版社/メーカー: 新潮社発売日: 2006/10/30メディア: 文庫購入: 19人 クリック: 941回この商品を含むブログ (320件) を見る

表紙がすばらしい 大江健三郎の解説はこれから読もう

新書365冊 (朝日新書)作者: 宮崎哲弥出版社/メーカー: 朝日新聞社発売日: 2006/10メディア: 新書購入: 3人 クリック: 69回この商品を含むブログ (98件) を見る立ち読み しかし宮崎ってこんな本しか出せないんだな コラムの寄せ集め 文筆では相手にされないか…

健康&美容のセルフドクターネットさん,「からだ環境青汁」試したい! あたってよ

Google faces copyright fight over YouTube

· Time Warner upset over the use of its material · 100m videos under scrutiny for breaches Jane Martinson Friday October 13, 2006 The Guardian Dick Parsons, the chairman and chief executive of Time Warner, fired a shot across the bows of G…

経済政策を歴史に学ぶ [ソフトバンク新書]作者: 田中秀臣出版社/メーカー: ソフトバンククリエイティブ発売日: 2006/08/17メディア: 新書購入: 7人 クリック: 69回この商品を含むブログ (53件) を見る

宮崎哲弥が薦めてたんで立ち読みしていた 何もしない小泉政権とか過激なのか? 言っていいのか?買ってもいいかもしれない

Google chief says company will create new video platform

PALO ALTO, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- Google Inc. (GOOG) said that its acquisition of YouTube Inc. will hasten its push into online video with an opportunity to create a new video platform for the Internet. Speaking on a conference call with …

All the King's Men (1946)

Author: Robert Penn Warren More than just a classic political novel, Warren's tale of power and corruption in the Depression-era South is a sustained meditation on the unforeseen consequences of every human act, the vexing connectedness of…

The Adventures of Augie March (1953) Author: Saul Bellow Augie comes on stage with one of literature's most famous opening lines. "I am an American, Chicago born, and go at things as I have taught myself, free-style, and will make the reco…